Grown and processed by USDA certification standards


Certified Organic Hops are both grown and processed according to federal standards set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP).They reflect the same overall quality product as our conventional hop products but are produced using different farming and processing techniques approved by the USDA and considered meaningful to some brewers and end consumers.

Growing organic hops requires more labor for weed control and alternate means of pest control, including naturally occurring microorganisms and plant-derived insecticides. They must also utilize specific farm management practices, including soil conservation and crop rotation practices. YCH also undergoes extensive WSDA inspections at all facilities for certification, allowing us to supply brewers with a guaranteed Certified Organic product from farm to brewhouse.


  • Ability to produce organic beers with a certified product
  • Full traceability with our direct connection to the farms
  • All YCH organic hops meet the same high-quality standards as traditional products
  • Six generations of hop farming know-how in order to produce organic hops
  • Access to a reliable, guaranteed Certified Organic ingredient


YCH’s Certified Organic Hops may be brewed with using the same applications as traditional Whole Leaf Hops and T-90 Pellets. However, in order to brew organic beers recognized by the USDA and consumers, brewers must follow specific production and labeling guidelines. Different labels require different percentages of Certified Organic ingredients used during the brewing process. For more information, visit:

KETTLE: Organic Hops may be used at any point during the pre-boil and boil stages of the brewing process. Exact utilization rates will vary based on brewhouse efficiency. If using Whole Cone Organic hops additional equipment may be necessary to screen hops from entering process piping.

Post-Boil/Whirlpool: Organic Hops are a perfect solution for post-boil/whirlpool applications. Dosing rates will vary based on desired aroma intensity. Note that some bitterness will be extracted any temperatures above 140°F (60°C). If using Whole Cone Organic hops additional equipment may be necessary to screen hops from entering process piping.

Fermentation: Organic Hops may be used in active-fermentation dry hop scenarios. Please take extra care to ensure the safety of your brewery in this step, as additional fermentation activity can cause foam-over of cellar vessels. If using Whole Cone Organic hops additional equipment may be necessary to screen hops from entering process piping.

Dry hopping: Organic Hops are an excellent choice for dry-hopping. The fine particle size and low density of Yakima Chief Hops’ Organic pellets allow for maximum extraction of bold aromas and flavors. Whole cone hops may be used in any dry hop scenario where a pellet is used. Additional equipment may be necessary to screen hops from entering process piping.  


Download our ORGANIC HOPS Product Sheet

Product Overview sheet


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